Park's Raudio 24/7 one-audio-thing-mainstream is an eclectic mix of pure sound selected from contributions by musicians, anti-musicians, artists, non-artists, sound-designers and -undesigners from all over the globe.
For the duration of each, x-themed or un-themed, episode, tracks are added continuously to the mainstream, which will keep on changing and evolving. Each episode runs for about two months, after which that episode's playlist is parked.
We then will strip down the current one-audio-thing-mainstream in correspondence with the next episode's theme, and start re-building from there ...
All parked episodes will be archived, and remain accessible.
Subscribe to Park's RSS feed to stay informed ...
[For all further enquiries and, yes, please!, all propositions for contributions and x- or un-themes, contact raudio@park.nl ... (do not attach audio-files!) ] |