This Raudio Special brings you, as a continuous 24/7 audio webstream, '9 Beet Stretch' by idea-based artist Leif Inge. '9 Beet Stretch' is a recording of Ludwig van Beethoven's ninth symphony stretched to 24 hours, without pitch distortion. We started the stream on saturday may 7th, 2005, at 20h15 (the moment of sunset (local time) in Vienna, Austria, where Beethoven's ninth symphony was first performed, on may 7th, 1824).
The ongoing 9 Beet Stretch stream is Pure Sound .... In order to listen to the 24/7 mp3-encoded audio-stream, make sure you have your browser configured to handle .pls files; usually Windows Media Player, Realplayer, WinAmp, iTunes, Audion will do so...
... just click and go...
[ The 24/7 '9 Beet Stretch' special Raudio stream is also available as part of the free RAUDIO IIIII iPhone app, which brings the full collection of 5 years of Raudio pure sound streams to the palm of your hand. Get it on the Apple app store ...]
More on '9 Beet Stretch' in the SoundBlog, and on the 9BS web site ...
[ The Raudio "9 Beet Stretch" stream is a collaborative project of Leif Inge and Park4DTV's Raudio. ]
... click and listen... |